United to Serve community health fair draws strong turnout: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas


“As usual, the bicycle safety area was well-attended,” said Al-Karim Gilani, a first-year medical student and TMA student chapter President. “We know that year in and year out people make it a point to get their kids here to get them fitted for safety. It’s been very steady.”

Distinguishing between two very similar pediatric brain conditions: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas


In addition, the rarity of AE and ADEM makes amassing data to help distinguish these conditions more difficult.

Largest Texas high schools to report all concussions to statewide registry: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX


Then we can use the data to look for answers: Do concussion numbers decrease after a school gets new equipment? How do concussions vary by gender and age?”

Inspirational lesson: Educator, school family linked by living organ donation : Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas


“Nate’s wife, Amenze, was dropping their children off for one of our programs and I asked, ‘How is your summer?’ and immediately saw tears in her eyes,” Schecter remembered.

Stroke prevention drugs can improve survival after stroke, study finds: August 2016 Research Highlight - UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX


Suter, a past president of both the American College of Emergency Physicians and the International Federation for Emergency Medicine.

Dr. Claire Usala: Kurt Ian Wey, M.D., Senior Pediatric Award: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX


Growing up, random people would see my last name and tell me what a great physician he was and how they loved having him as their doctor – and then just seeing him caring for people at such a deep level made an impression.”

Travel history should become routine in medical assessments to slow pandemics’ spread: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas


Trish Perl Trish Perl, M.D., M.Sc. , Chief of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center, and Connie Savor Price, M.D., of the University of Colorado School of Medicine, say it’s time to add travel history to routine information such as temperature and blood pressure

Advanced MRI scans may improve treatment of tremor, Parkinson's disease: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas


The procedures are already Food and Drug Administration-approved for use in patients, and UTSW plans to begin employing them to treat patients when its Neuro High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Program opens this fall. 

Study points to role of aldosterone in exercise hypertension: Research Highlights - UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX


UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers have found evidence that aldosterone, a hormone made and secreted by the adrenal gland, may play a role in the overactive response. A research team led by Dr.

2019 Match Day Specialty List: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas


This list does not include matches for 2019 students who asked for no publicity or students who are taking a year off before starting their residency training .